About the Author
Fidelma Kelly is from Dublin, Ireland. Linguist, opera aficionado and dog-Mammy to a very bold Border Terrier called Leo. She has worked in education, opera, public relations and property. An English Literature and French graduate of Trinity College Dublin, she also holds a M. Phil from TCD. She speaks French and Italian fluently and has spent extended periods in both countries, in particular in her beloved Sicily.
Fidelma says…
“As writers, we are much more than what emanates from our fingertips onto the laptop. Our concerns and the issues we deal with in our daily lives, inform and colour what we choose to write about – the things which consume our psyche or have battered our hearts, or in happy times, that have caused that same heart to produce palpitation-inducing flutters of elation.”
One More Time
The ‘love of your life’. Apparently, you only have one. And it’s never the person your friends think of, or the lover your family has met, but someone you cradle secretly in your heart, in your head, in the dead of night.
When Isabelle Ryan began a relationship with Italian musical director Rico Parisi while on holiday in Sicily, her Dublin colleagues believed nothing would come of it. They were wrong.
It was the start of a passionate connection that would see the couple grace the ornate opera houses of Europe for many years as they snatched moments together from busy parallel lives.
But sometimes, love isn’t enough to fulfil life’s ambitions. Rico desires a permanent post with Isabelle by his side to share the ups and downs of artistic life over dinner at home.
Home is also very much on Isabelle’s mind, but where exactly that home will be, she has yet to decide.
Will their passion defeat the challenges of distance and separation? Or will one – or both – find an easier route to happiness?